Wealth of Nations?


I was thoroughly dismayed - to the point of despair - though not surprised, to read - that would be naïve of me - that the world's wealthy not only have not suffered financially from the pandemic - unlike many millions of us; but that the wealth of the ten - yes, ten - richest men has grown over the last twelve-month by a frankly staggering half-a-trillion dollars. Ten men. Five-hundred-thousand-million dollars. That's fourteen dollars for every man, woman and child on this planet; and that's just the increase in their wealth. Ten people have earned enough throughout the course of this pandemic to inoculate everyone on Earth. And our Chancellor of the Exchequer stands by his decision on the NHS pay rise(?) on the grounds that the economy won't stand any more. Dear God, by any moral yardstick the whole thing's just sick & perverted, and it needs sorting. The money's out there - I rest my case.


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