Slow News is Good News


Today we went shopping for isolating people and latterly carried on with the cottage renovations: we're into the fiddly, snagging and finishing-off stuff now, although the bathroom washbasin has yet to go back in: I'm just glueing up the new rear support/splashback at the moment, as can be seen in the spectacularly uninformative pic above. We also had the front door off its hinges today to give it a first coat of paint. While the weather's holding we'll do the same tomorrow and give it a final coat. I should have the washbasin thing finished over the next day or so, glue permitting, and we should get the bulk of the work finished by the end of the week.

Tomorrow and Thursday see us both second-jabbed, which is a relief: let's just hope the current trend vis-à-vis Covid-19 infection and mortality rates continues here in Wales, and things can start to ease off a little. So, in the absence of any other real news here today, I've put up a poem by Jeremy Hooker on a separate post for your delectation. It's from a collection called 'Common Ground - poets in a Welsh Landscape' from the mid-eighties. Anyone who has lived in this area will be aware of the re-use of incomplete or discarded carved slate slabs as flooring material in old buildings, often as in this poem: unfinished gravestones. Its message is clear and poignant.


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