Reality Show


How far adrift from reality is it possible for society to be before outside manipulation becomes systemic necrosis? We've come pretty close in recent months and years to just that tipping-point, where the finest of lines is crossed and there is no way for the manipulators to any longer control those they manipulate: the point at which the inmates take over the institution and anarchy fuelled by the misinformation propagated by the manipulators becomes the new 'real' in the minds of the manipulated.

Think 'The Truman Show' writ global with no TV network involvement. QAnon, anti-vaxxers, preppers, flat-earthers, etc: that panoply of the paranoid and ill-informed, amplified and regenerated into false coherence in the echo-chamber of the internet, social media and lest we forget, the less-scrupulous but by no means minority organs of the mainstream media: all giving legitimacy to notions that in any normal, sane society would lie within the realms of witchcraft and lunacy.

We have recently got so very close to completely losing our collective grip on what is really before our eyes that we might almost have reached and crossed a psychological Rubicon, the return journey from which would have been all but impossible. The powers that be and the lobby of the ultra-wealthy have been only too happy to entertain the chaos that these shall we say, less hinged influencers have been bringing to the table: Dominic Cummings' shout out for just these kinds of people to work as government advisors being just one symptom of the destructive abstraction that has become a mainstream mantra: disruption.

Unfortunately, these idiots just don't seem to understand that disruption in and of itself is completely negative and contributes nowt. Disruption is only a force for good if balanced out by alternatives. Breaking things is just breaking things unless you've got a plan to replace them with something better. It's basically the difference between being James Dean and Richard Feynman. Taking without giving is not a good thing for any of us: dissent and protest by all means, break down the barricades, get righteously angry about injustice; just don't do it for the sake of a fucking meme. 


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