One Step Closer...


One step closer, indeed: with a bonus point win over Italy and our only rivals France just edged out by England in the closing minutes of what frankly was an amazing game of Rugby Football; we are the sole candidates for the 'Slam this year. Anyone who looks at the apparently one-sided scoreline of our game today and decides Italy were crap just don't know the game. Italy played a great match, particularly in the second half, but were let down by indiscipline: also the Welsh defence was peerless, but I would say that.

The France-England game was a pure end-to-end contest and the margin at the close shows just what a good match-up this was. On the whole France were actually stronger but their scrummaging started to falter later in the game and some loose work at the breakdown told its tale, but I think they will only grow from here on in: next year's 'Nations is going to be even more interesting than this one, methinks; and I don't think the World Cup will be too shabby, either. Looking forward to it all!


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