One Rule?


It really is astonishing how we just seem to let double standards ride in this country. Frontline NHS staff are woefully underpaid for the vital work they do on our behalf and over the course of the pandemic so far have saved countless lives at the expense of those of many of their own cohort. One of those lives saved is that of a Prime Minister who still has the brass neck to suggest they [the Government] '...[are trying] to give them [the NHS] as much as we can at the present time...' Arrant tosh from a man who only recently was quoted by a colleague as being unable to live on his Prime Ministerial salary [blogs passim] and whose Government has shelled out billions to private companies to do absolutely bugger-all of any real use during the Covid-19 crisis [ditto].

And now there's news that an NHS worker who had the gall to actually organize a protest against the insult of a 1% pay-rise has been fined £10,000 under Covid-19 regulations for so-doing - when the pandemic appears to be waning: principally due to the efforts of NHS staff such as herself. When one considers that Dominic Cummings' random wanderings last year during the first wave and lockdown went totally unpunished - indeed earning him a forty-grand pay rise [blogs passim & thanks to Jane for reminding me] - it simply highlights just where the priorities of our twisted class-ridden system lie. Unforgivable. And all covered by a smokescreen of Royal baloney.


  1. Sign da TUC petition mate on their web site.
    N.B., I can't enter URLs!!


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