

I've just been doing some more family-tree digging around this afternoon; just picked up the cudgels again after a week's lay off. I've started on my father's father's family, which was always a bit of a mystery, with little detail floating about the family. So far, not a great deal of depth, but I know who his parents were and where they came from, so I've got grandad's siblings and parents in the tree, and confirmed from census and birth records. My grandad's unusual middle name of Hurmann (sic) doesn't appear on the census as such as he's listed as Samuel E. Harvey: but I know from the family context and dates that the household in question is undoubtedly correct. My great-aunt Leah and my great-great grandmother Roseannah [various spellings!] being the deciding factor in this.

At the same time, the 1881 census confirms my great-great-grandfather Godfrey Rudge as correct and proper to my lineage - I now know where he was living in Birmingham about twenty years before he died in the workhouse [blogs passim] - only a short walk from where I grew up. Given that he was born only about an hours' drive from where I have lived for the past forty-one years, and that his mother's family and his own children were all born and lived less than fifteen miles from Jane's family, in Denbighshire, makes our own, personal history all the more interesting, not to say a bit spooky. Much more to come, methinks.


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