There be Dragons...


Well, that's it. Every damned news media outlet across the entire panoply of formats has gone Royal-nuts. The one paper that in its original incarnation back in the eighties - and what a paper it was - that deliberately shunned, as a matter of editorial policy, any mention of the Royal Family was The Independent. Now in its digital-only format it's editorial team deem it OK to just go along with all the other sheep and cover this embarrassingly trite and frankly irrelevant family feud, that at its heart is just publicity-seeking bullshit. Money for them and deflection from the issues at hand for the Government.

How. Bloody. Convenient. For the government, that is. This, as has happened so many times in the past; when a government is struggling to keep the hearts and minds of the hoi polloi on message, they employ that tried and tested tactic: bread & circuses; convenient non-stories to deflect the media - hence the populace - from the real issues of the day, and if you don't know what those issues are, you need to wise up. The older you get, the more the bullshit stands out from the background noise and the less credible these bastards become; but the sad truth is that there are enough people out there that lack that perspective for whatever reason allowing these con-merchants to carry on regardless. If there was ever a warning from history about the power of the media's influence, it can be found in Leni Riefenstahl's 'Triumph of the Will'. Obviously, there are no direct contextual comparisons intended here; but my point is valid from a structural stance. There be dragons...


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