Gratuitous Food Post (again)

Apologies for yet another pot of food you can neither smell nor taste: but as Harry Worth profoundly put it, '...there it is.' A classic two-day curry along the lines of the mythical Madras; although yesterday packed little in the way of chilli heat, the sweet gravy of plenty of onions, ginger, garlic, coconut and the 'warming' spices: Cinnamon and Indian Bay amongst them, giving that underlying body familiar to anyone who likes a good curry. Tonight I've extended it with more chicken, which I've fried off in its own spice mix and added to the pot from last night. The two frozen green chillis you see by the pot are destined for my plate as Jane prefers her food slightly less spicy than I. Last night we had Basmati rice - tonight it's shop-bought naans as I can't be bothered to make chapattis. By the way, freezing fresh chillis is one of the best things I've discovered only just recently: they work brilliantly - tasting as fresh as when they went into deep-freeze: if you haven't tried it, I wholeheartedly recommend you do!


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