Day's End


Well, the sun has set on yet another glorious day of blue skies and sunshine, albeit tempered by a bite in the air. We've been continuing with the clear-up of our car park, which has succumbed over the last few years to the space-voracious bramble. We topped out the tree-growth at the side of the space earlier in the week, generating significant quantities of material which will end up on the bonfire over the course of the next few days/weeks, depending on how the weather pans out.

The tree-cutting looked at first like the major job, but the brambles, I suppose predictably, have proven somewhat more intransigent to deal with. Also, our car park is along our lane and just down the hill from the house and the side garden where we have the bonfire is a good thirty metres from the front gate, so all the green waste we're generating has to be manhandled some distance in relatively small amounts at a time. Still, it's good exercise and as I say, the weather has smiled on us this week.

One thing that has become obvious, now that we're clearing the overgrowth back, is just how big the space down there actually is. Probably enough room to build a bungalow with a garden and car-parking thrown in...makes you think; but there has been enough building at the top of the hill, causing water run-off problems, etc. for those living below, to suggest that it might not be a brilliant idea. A low wooden structure built on screw-piles would be a different kettle of fish, however. Mmm...


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