Conflict of Interests...

I like my rugby. As a youth I really didn't want to play the game, though; I was structurally and mentally not suitable for such a physical and complex sport; lacking in power, speed or coordination. Doesn't stop me enjoying watching people who are endowed with those very properties play the game though.

Tonight's game between France and Wales to decide the Six Nations leaves me, as is usual with this fixture, conflicted between my first and second teams, and the memory of our friend Jean-Charles, whose 2007 French shirt graces the vacant seat on my sofa for the game tonight. I've alluded to our mutual love of the game and our friendly rivalry over the years up until his untimely death.

A hell of a game - both sides played their socks off, but in the end La Belle France suddenly got up on their hind legs and took it to us big time. All power to the finish they put to the game. JC will be grinning from ear to ear from wherever he now is. Your shirt, hat and scarf are still here, mon frere! Next time...


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