

'And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.' Exodus 12:8

Bread: the staple; the staff of life. In lean times, bread can sustain us in the absence of much else. Grain, salt and water: the simplest of breads: unleavened, plain, unadorned and beguilingly beautiful. This barest distillate of starch and bran holds much of the history of humankind in its so basic form: the essentials of survival itself, the foundation of cuisines; the building blocks of ritual.

Passover begins in ten days time, and whether you subscribe to an Abrahamic faith or not, celebrate Passover or no; this year it's worth reflecting on Exodus, given the travails we've all been subject to this last twelve-month: just maybe we can see a glimmer of light that might - might, suggest a gradual release from the tyranny of Covid-19.


  1. Do NOT bank on it mate they've fucked up two UN-LockDowns and they're doing it AGAIN!!!


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