
It's a curious thing, being slightly OCD and disorganized at one and the same time, but in my case it's a fact and there it is. Being simultaneously both habitual and chaotic carries with it benefits: chaos being self-feeding - entropic - the weft of the fabric of our Universe; sans warp, meaningless, directionless: empty, parallel energy: trending to infinity.

The warp holds the cloth, shapes the fabric and renders the meaning in it; checking its dissolution, at least for time enough as it is of use. Personally, the habitual reins in the chaotic to a point of balance: the harmonic offsetting the fundamental and setting the key - a root with which to cleave, and a centre still enough to calm the fray.

Without the checks, without the balances, without the harmonics: there remains only chaos, and a completely chaotic existence is no life at all. One aspect informs the other, and vice versa; but truth and importance - value itself - always lie in the tension between the two poles of human existence. To deny either is to deny humanity itself. Acceptance of and resistance to change are not mutually exclusive. The nebula lying between the two carries who we are, who we were and who we can be.

Image by Nathan Dumlao


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