A Available Dogsled


Gratuitous Captain Beefheart pic © Elsewhere --

Whilst watching The Bill Evans Trio on a YouTube of an episode of 'Jazz 625' [anyone remember that?], I was idly scrolling through the comments, and at the bottom was the delightfully inscrutable: "...The unsightly chocolate worryingly excite because fine energetically bounce from a available dogsled. certain, jumpy punishment..."

If that's not Don Van Vliet to a tee, I don't know what is: warped, surreal and as far as it's possible to be from a point as it could be. It's a pity the Captain's not here to wrap some music around it...and I'm most certainly not up to the task.

The Bill Evans clip [full programme, presented by Humphrey Lyttelton, 1965] here.


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