World-Beating Performance


We’ve just passed the grim milestone of 100,000 deaths from Covid-19. New Zealand has had just five twenty-five. We are now putting in place quarantine hotels for incomers, but it will take two weeks to implement. The first returnees from Wuhan last year were quarantined - in hotels - on arrival immediately. The first cases of incoming virus from Europe were reported almost straight after this, but what was the Government’s response? Nothing, nada, zilch. The airports remained open and people were flooding in from all over Europe, where the pandemic was starting to take hold. What was the New Zealand Government’s response? Shutdown: no-one in and no-one out and total isolation for the infected and their contacts. Result, virtually zero problem.

This Government reacts to everything. Just very slowly. Then reacts against the next development. Just very slowly. We are now the worst Covid-affected nation on Earth, per capita; yet still the vacillation continues just as the vaccination stutters. Someone really should brief our sorry bunch of incompetents that decisive means actually making decisions in the moment, not with what seems to be a stock delay of ‘two weeks’, and sticking to those decisions until there is clarity as to the results and consequences of those decisions. Just like New Zealand. Let’s face it, we are both island nations, which confers the obvious physical advantage of geographical separation from others. Take back control of our borders? Ha! Propagandist tosh that means absolutely nothing, with or without a pandemic.

It might be too late to be learning any lessons - from a practical perspective we seem to be going nowhere anyway - but by God, a touch of humility and consistency in the Government’s response would go a very long way to make people feel a little more supportive of our necessary, collective effort and to stop whingeing on about the infringement of their rights. The right to get sick and die? It’s understandable that people are getting rattled: the plethora of confusing messages issued almost daily by the Government do absolutely nothing to inspire confidence in them or that they might have even the remotest clue what they’re doing in this situation. And -  I haven’t yet mentioned the economic aftermath that awaits those who survive, with or without severe post-viral complications: I’ll return to that can of worms in a later post.


  1. Just sent this to Julie (Hate editing!!):

    I've long been a fan of and supporter of Katherine Clark (5th District of Massachusetts) and here's wot she had planned:

    Phase 1
    (December 2020 – February 2021)
    Listed in order of priority:

    Clinical and non-clinical health care workers doing direct and COVID-facing care, including:
    COVID-19 testers, staff of test sites, urgent care centers, other clinics,school nurses, and public health nurses performing COVID-19 testing;
    COVID-19 vaccinators and support staff for a COVID vaccination clinic including pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and pharmacy technicians, school nurses, and public health nurses supporting COVID-19 vaccination;
    Medical Reserve Corps who are called up to vaccinate or other COVID facing direct care work;
    COVID facing Hospice/palliative care professionals;
    COVID facing laboratorians;
    COVID facing imaging professions;
    Emergent employees (manufacturing COVID vaccine)
    Sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE)
    Primary care providers
    Skilled nursing facility rapid response teams
    Visiting and contract nurses
    Long term care facilities, rest homes and assisted living facilities
    Emergency medical services, police, and fire, including:
    All interfacility transport workers, MedFlight staff, college/university campus police, 911 Dispatch employees
    Federal law enforcement (including FBI, DEA, Coast Guard, federal court officers, U.S. Marshals Service, ATF, Federal Reserve Police, Homeland Security investigators)
    Court officers
    Harbormasters/Assistant Harbormasters
    Massport police
    ABCC Inspectors
    Congregate care settings, including:
    Corrections and shelters (residents/inmates, staff, and volunteers)
    Patients and staff of SUD treatment programs (if program is residential)
    Patients and staff of Section 35 treatment programs
    Adults with autism, intellectual disabilities, and severe behavioral challenges in residential programs
    Home-based health care workers
    PT/OT/SLP therapists who work with medically complex home students
    Personal Care Attendants (PCAs)
    Home Health, hospice, and home care agency staff performing visits in the home
    Independent Nurses and Continuous Skilled Nursing staff performing visits in the home
    Aging Service agency staff performing regular visits in the home
    State Agency staff performing direct care in the home, including DCF Emergency Response Workers, DMH case managers and DDS care coordinators
    Mental and behavioral health providers providing in home treatment (e.g., ACCS integrated team, PACT, CBHI, ABA, ESP)
    Adult Foster Care and Group Adult Foster Care workers performing work in the home
    Independent Therapists (physical therapists, occupational therapists, Speech & Language therapists) performing work in the home
    Home-Based Respite and Individual/Family Support staff (DDS and DDS Self Directed)
    Health care workers doing non-COVID-facing care, including:
    Dentists/dental students, and dental hygienists (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients such as Oral Surgeons covering the ER, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);
    Medical and nursing students (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);
    Inpatient and outpatient physical therapists (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspect patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);

    Does that look ANYTHING like the fucked up muddled publicity led shite that our "government" have come up with??


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