Kitchen Thing Sitrep


The Kitchen Thing is now fully installed and plumbed in at last. It's a good job my deadline's been pushed back and back by the pandemic: small mercies, I guess; every cloud and that sort of clichéd nonsense. Still it's done and there's only the tidying and cosmetic adjustments to make, so I'll get the bathroom plumbing fettled this weekend, then the rest of it is mostly snagging, tidying and exterior stuff. I haven't mentioned the paintwork and the quarry-tile clean-up! Jane has as usual, done all the painting throughout the cottage. I personally loathe painting, but then I can do the woodwork and plumbing stuff, so I don't really feel all that guilty about my shortcomings in that department. We should be done with it all, hopefully by the time the vaccination programme kicks in properly and maybe, just maybe, we might get some takers for holidays in the hills; subject to whatever rules are in place when the time comes. Keep ya posted...


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