Now - A Toast
Christmas Day 2020 - a strangely odd one unless you consider the context in which it sits: however, it falls into the grand tradition of Christmas's failing to reach expectations; the difference this year, though is that it is less a failure of a plan's execution, than the implosion of the world we all took for granted to be constant. I, for one will try and take a positive from the attenuated celebrations, this year - the year of strangeness, plague and constraint. A poem:
Now - A Toast
Drink a toast and set against life's raw edge
The softness of wine; the warmth of kind and
Remember like times: when time spent in idle chat
Was more vital; more now than now seems to be.
We are still now: despite the now seemed past;
The deftness of time an illusion of mind and
Like times remembered past, opining: that
Now is more vital, more now than ever was then.
©Kel Harvey, Christmas Day 2020
Image - ©2020 James Harvey - Model: Amy
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