Jazz Woodworking


Just a quick update on Kitchen Thing progress: I've done all I'm going to on these veneers - they're not perfect, but what is? I think they'll look OK in situ under the top - I've just finished sanding that, too and cut the hole for the mixer tap behind the sink bowl. There's some finishing to do on the other plinth and I'll need to adjust the positioning of the locating blocks for it, as I've changed the thickness of the pitch-pine trim at that end: rather than cutting more veneer strips, I've opted for a solid, 15mm thick edging of the stuff, so I'll have to move the plinth back 20-30mm to accommodate it. The idea is to use the solid trim to provide extra support for the end of the top by the sink bowl, which is a bit of a weak spot at the moment. This is what you get when your approach to building things is more John Coltrane than J.S. Bach. I started out with a drawing, ignored it and winged it. Bit like my life, really.


  1. I trust that you're going to inundate the loverley woods with preservative given that it's under a sink and in a property that might not have daily inspections. I'm a fan of marine ply for particularly under-sink having learnt the costly lessons of MDF and standard ply in wet conditions. I do not mention the execreble chip-board with it's poisonous matrix; Chirk by-pass anyone! There's a guy in Cambridgeshire who's making green adhesive/glueing compounds from native woods that I'm giving six months to develop before rattling his cage!


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