Getting Jiggy With It...


Workshop update - sorry! - One of the issues I've got left to sort out with The Kitchen Thing is the pitch pine finishings for the plinths that form the base. I was originally going to use 1/2" thick pieces to finish the tops of the plinths, but given the amount of stock that would take away from other projects, I decided to use 1/8" thick veneers cut from some of the pieces I've got. As I don't have a working bandsaw at the moment [as I said before, my old man's bench top job is one of my next projects], I've decided to use the table saw to rip the veneers.

This is not a trivial undertaking, as the pieces I need to cut are from 2 & 3/4" wide boards which are only  just over 1/2" thick. I've looked at loads of YouTube stuff from some really knowledgeable people and as usual, have decided to plough my own furrow on this one. This was an easy decision to make as I've practically run out of stock wood and am trying to save money at the moment. The picture shows the solution I've come up with: the rip fence is pulled back short of the blade of the saw and I've made a second, holding fence/jig that is bolted to my mitre fence. Between the two, I can hold a thinnish piece of stock and safely run it through the saw to produce the slices of veneer I want. With this and my home-made cross-cut sled, I can do most of what I need to do to finish the current project.


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