Glued and Clamped
Just a quick update on the kitchen project: the picture is testimony to the fact that you can never have enough clamps, no matter what. A shout out to Lidl for the ratchet clamps I'm using here; £4.99 for two medium sized and two tiny clamps: they're good quality, assembled in Germany and at that price unbeatable. The piece I'm working on here is the support for the left-hand side of the unit, including the support for the sink bowl. There'll be two hidden access hatches under the sink so I can reach all the plumbing as necessary. Just starting to lay the first one at the bottom of the picture. I've also been trying to get my tools organised; putting another shelf up for the honing setup I made yesterday for sharpening chisels, plane irons, etc. I came across a completely different technique for honing blades than the one I knew: much simpler, no jig and better results: even my cheap Magnussen chisels come up razor sharp. I have to say I'm really enjoying the...