The Grippe


Virus Replication by YK Times, Wikimedia

Well, the flu jab I had yesterday has suddenly conspired to give me the aches and a fuzzy head this afternoon. Up till about an hour ago I hadn't noticed much at all outside the usual sore arm at the site of the injection. Add to this the fact I've been awake since God-knows-what-o'clock this morning with the change back to GMT, I'm feeling pretty wiped just at the minute. Still, it's better than getting the flu itself, although having said that, I've only ever had the real thing once in my life; and once was most definitely enough. It's difficult to describe how nasty the disease really can be to someone who's never had it; and it really annoys when someone with a bit of a cold says they're feeling flu-ey. The only correct answer to that is '...if you're fit enough to think and to say that, you ain't got it!'. It's the same with post-viral fatigue, not so many years ago dismissed as yuppie flu. Wrong again, and if you haven't experienced that either, count yourself very lucky, because it's bloody awful and again mere description will never do it justice. The way things are going with this pandemic, it looks like long-term malaise is going to be fairly widespread among those who survive the disease, needing support services and benefits to help get them through it. I'm too knackered to rant, so we'll leave the politics aside for a bit and simply say, that's all for today.


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