Self-interested, Self-righteous, Self-serving...



I quote: '...maternity provision is sufficiently generous...' - yet another beauty of a phrase from our gloriously shameless NonGovernment®. We are currently experiencing a viral backlash that is entirely the NonGovernment®'s fault and all they can say is that new mothers' maternity leave is adequate. The implied largesse staggers in its pomposity and arrogance. Whose bloody money is it anyway?

We are fast approaching economic and societal meltdown: if the furlough scheme ends as planned amid further lockdown and restriction of economic activity and, if the NonGovernment® manage to crash us out of the EU as they seem intent on so doing, the economy will tank - taking down everyone but the rich; make no mistake, their wealth is hedged; yours is precariously balanced against the economic performance of the country. The decision and the fate of most of us rests in the hands of this NonGovernment®. The wherewithal to weather this storm is there, the money and resources are there. People who know and are highly experienced and qualified to comment have said as much. But the will to do anything remotely constructive appears not to be. We will suffer en masse, not they.

How and why this shower are permitted, along with their international counterparts, to continue on such an evidently wanton and destructive path is quite beyond me. Even the dyed-in-the-wool optimist that I am is wavering towards pessimism. Short of insurrection, I see fewer and fewer options available to the bulk of humanity. If there is largesse to be granted to anyone, it should be that this lot's heads don't end up on pikes at Traitors' Gate.


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