Satie & Wharfedale Super 10's

Wharfedale Super 10 Driver

Here's a thing.  When we came to North Wales for a three-week holiday in 1980, we could never have foreseen that we would soon find ourselves at the confluence of a myriad cultural, spiritual and emotional vertices that would change our lives forever. We came to visit (if I'm repeating this, apologies,) Johnny Jones, here studying TEFL at the Uni. He introduced us to a number of people (and pubs) the first day we were here, including a certain John Latham, who owned a house in Gerlan.

Number Six, Gerlan Terrace; which we later bought off John, was to be the epicentre of a bohemian lifestyle for us and our friends for many years to come. But it was on that first day, and our first visit to that house - after many pints in many pubs in Bangor and a stopover at another new acquaintance's place; Bill O'Hagan - much herb and Linton Kwesi consumed and absorbed - that John put an LP of Satie on the stereo. I remarked that I knew someone from years ago in Birmingham had a pair of Wharfedale Super 10 speakers just like the ones he had. Turns out it was him and exactly those speakers. What goes around...still we travel,  as long as we are here.


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