Cig Oen


Welsh (natürlich) Lamb - tonight's fare

A short break from ranting and railing at the world's utter ridiculousness, disparity and unfairness. If I did Instagram, I suppose this would constitute the usual, clichéd food-I-am-about-to-eat post. What the heck - it makes a change from politics. Can't be bad. By the way - it's a half-shoulder cooked on a trivet of rosemary and three bulbs of garlic split into cloves, barded with anchovy, doused in olive oil and herbs and, well, roasted! The spuds are Maris Piper, par-boiled and roughened before sticking them in the pan with the joint, then doused with more olive oil. Simple as pie and very tasty. Da iawn.


  1. WHAT no duck or goose fat Kel??? Yer slipping and getting TOO Mediterranean for your own good!!!:)


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