An Ordinary Sort of Day - if You're a Tomato...




A slightly surreal day yesterday on the domestic front, featuring an accidental injury to the oldest member of the family, a semi-abortive visit from another family-member which was cut short due to the above and a virtual concert in the dining room.

I won't dwell on the detail of the accident - the injuries were not life-threatening, merely painful and will be so for some time. The virtual concert was a streamed event: Andy Fairweather-Low and The Low Riders; which went down rather well with the assembled crowd of two in the aforesaid venue.

Judged by the standards of the NonGovernment®'s shenanegins I would class it an ordinary sort of day. The news that the EU are considering legal action against the UK over Brexit or that the NonGovernment® ran out the new Covid laws without first even bothering to inform Parliament, causing the Speaker of the House to issue bollockings to the woeful Matt Hancock, who was placed yet again conveniently in the firing line, came as no surprise.

That Hancock himself has now started blame-shifting onto the populous over the increase in infection rates, which surely even the most disconnected of observers could have seen coming for miles, is also no surprise as this seems to be part of an overarching plan that the cabal have been cooking up in the back rooms of Belgravia over supper for the last year. Quite what the details of this plan are is shrouded in apparent stupidity, but there is obvious intent to divide and conquer, keep selling the big lie and make sure their mates are well looked after. At our expense - viz Covid contracts issued to any Tom, Dick or Harry that happens to be in the NonGovernment®'s collective contact list, free from the inconvenience of that itchy little tendering process - what did it used to be called? Oh, yes, competition; the supposed basis of a free-market economy. Unless you're in the club. Then the rules don't apply.

But then most of us only lead 'ordinary lives' - what matter that our  NonGovernment® is turning us into international pariahs; seen by others as dissembling pathological liars and frankly, criminals. Where do we fit into this scheme of things? There has to be some mechanism we can bring to bear on this monumental fraud of an administration. I just wish someone with the legal and intellectual wherewithal to find it would stand up and show it to us, before the damage is irreversible.



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