
Lamb Curry (Madras Style) Tamil Nadu - Camellia Panjabi from 50 Great Curries of India
    I was going to put together a little homage to Veeraswamy's Madras - I think my great friend Johnny G was probably solely responsible for awakening my nascent love of spice and Indian food in the Seventies. His mom - Maur - used to use Veeraswamy canned curries - Madras, of course! She grew up in India, and the Veeraswamy sauces were redolent of the food she remembered from youth. I remember John bringing a can to Winson Street for a random lunch (bearing in mind that neither of us could cook,)  and we ate - sauce! Magic - Damascene - loved it and have loved Indian food ever since. The picture above is, as the caption says, from a book by Camellia Panjabi - look out for it - the recipe is a corker! I normally don't bother with recipes: I like to wing it and find out if it works or not, but there are one or two that I swear by. This is one of them; it's a bit involved, but the reward is in the eating - fabulous...The recipe is long, so here's a pic taken from the book:


  1. Well remembered!!.
    Those cans were great.. Jane and yourself first introduced me to Indian restaurants around that time.
    You took me to the Light of Bengal in Bearwood .
    Nothing was ever quite the same again.


    1. The Light of Bengal - what a place - when we first started going there, Jane used to have steak! Me? Chicken Mad BOB & three chapatis with poppadums and their own mixed pickle!

  2. Ah yes The Light of Bengal. A fine restaurant much frequented by most of us. Will never forget the night you and I went there, I was skint and you said you'd pay and I could sort it out with you later. When it came time for the bill you realised that your Barclacard was a new one, unsigned and neither of us had a pen. Because of this, and we were sitting close to the door we decided to do a runner. Bloody staff chased us all along Bearwood Road until we ducked down side streets and alley ways. Daft thing was a few weeks later they billed you on the Barclaycard because they knew who you were. I didn't go back there for many years until one night I took your Dad there after we had been to the pub.


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