Gitanes - the Tobacco Diva

Logo by Max Ponty 1947
    As this is the second time I've used smoking-related imagery at the head of a post, it might be reasonable to assume that I am missing the habit. Physiologically, probably not, but there's still a certain something to the act of smoking as it used to be before packages looked like postmortem photographs aimed at trainee pathologists.
    As cynical as the tobacco industry certainly is, there was degree of complicity with it on behalf of the smoking public. It was a symbiosis founded on addiction and reinforced by image - we saw ourselves reflected in the mirror of our relationship with the heroes & heroines of our youth in the literature, cinema & music that formed our assumed style and fixed our tastes for life.
    Thankfully, the tastes that remain no longer include that of tobacco for most of us. Sure miss the image, though.


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