Be Aware of the Self-Proclaimed...

Faber Poetry Edition - The War Poems - Siegfried Sassoon

This was published in 1918. It resonates in so many ways at the moment.

             Great Men

The great ones of the earth
Approve, with smiles and bland salutes, the rage
And monstrous tyranny they have brought to birth.
The great ones of the earth
Are much concerned about the wars they wage,
And quite aware of what those wars are worth.

You Marshals, gilt and red,
You Ministers and Princes, and Great Men,
Why can't you keep your mouthings for the dead?
Go round the simple cemeteries; and then
Talk of our noble sacrifice and losses
To the wooden crosses.

             Siegfried Sassoon


  1. How very true. Nothing changes over the years only the capacity to reek mass destruction. What is sad is that the people, at least in the west, are responsible for putting those leaders in place and for keeping them there. Seems to me that in the end there is little hope for the human species - we are wired for self destruction.

    1. Sadly, I think that's my take on it too...


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