A Meditation on Time

"Old Time the clock-setter, that bald sexton, Time." Wm. Shakespeare, King John.

The Newtonian world of the Enlightenment. Time fixed, time immutable, time constant ruled the seasons of the earth and the ages of man, and its measure made mechanically, observationally, empirically; dividing experience into heartbeat paces. The Universe measured according to the rhythm of life.

Perception of time - linear and irreversible, apparently infinite and unchanging. Cradle to grave. Lasts only as long as we do. Ashes to ashes.

Outside of self, time exists only philosophically, mathematically. And it's not linear. Or infinite. Anyway.

It had a beginning - and - it - will - have - an - end... maybe.

'Time - is tapping on my forehead... ' Simon & Garfunkel, Bookends.


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