Close Encounters?
Yesterday evening at twilight, expecting a delivery of a small leather pen case to safely house my Parker Duofold Maxima fountain pen [blog posts passim], I twice wandered into the conservatory/wintergarten/lean-to that fronts our place, to see if anyone was on their way down the lane. On both occasions I imagined that I could see someone approaching our gate, only to discover that the figure had vanished into immateriality before I could open the door. This happened twice, and I simply put it down to my next door neighbour returning from unloading his car. The delivery duly turned up after dark, and so I forgot about the false starts, but when I woke this morning, the incident was still lodged in my mind; and after the lucid dream I had just awoken from - twice - I wondered what exactly was it that I had I seen the previous evening: a ghost? A glimpse into an adjacent dimension? Dementia? Anyhow, the memory of the manifestation faded during the day's machinations and I little cons...